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. " "If I ask you to part with him, my good woman, it's to better his condition, I suppose, ain't it?" rejoined Wood angrily; for, though he had no serious intention of carrying his proposal into effect, he was rather offended at having it declined. Ain't he, Madam?'" "He is, indeed," replied the widow, fervently; "more—much more than that. Down that on the right the young culprit was dragged—along that on the left a fainting woman was borne in the arms of several females. "Before either of you go, you will ask my permission," said Jonathan, coolly. ‘I do not know. ” Anna had reached the house where she lodged, but she hesitated on the doorstep. “DON’T!” she said, and wrenched her wrist from his retaining hand. “Lift up one corner of the curtain for me. "By the powers!" he added, turning his lantern full upon the face of the captive, "he's a nice gennteel-lookin' kiddy, I must say. Nature is God, Anna, and the greatest artist of us all a pigmy. He was an outside broker and the proprietor of a financial newspaper; he had come up very rapidly in the last few years, and Mr.